Within you is an Infinite Power that can lift you up, heal you, inspire you, guide you, direct you, and set you on the high road to happiness, freedom, peace of mind, and the joy of fulfilled and triumphant living.

Vast numbers of people in all walks of life go forward day by day, achieving and accomplishing great things. They are vital, strong, and healthy, and are contributing countless blessings to humanity. They seem to be imbued or possessed with a primal force that constantly works for their benefit. 

You, too, have this same inner power. You simply need to learn how to align and communicate with this Infinite Power and put it to use it in your daily life. Here, I endeavor to explain the great basic, fundamental, and unlimited powers of your mind in the simplest and most direct language possible.

I urge you to study these pages sincerely, and to apply the many effective techniques suggested and programmed throughout this Part. As you do this I am convinced that your mental contact and communication with this Infinite Power within you will cause you to rise confidently above confusion, misery, melancholy, and failure.

This Infinite Power will unerringly guide you to your true place, solve your problems and difficulties, sever you forever from the conditions of lack and limitation, and set you on the road to higher aspects of living life gloriously and serenely.

Cj blogger

My name is chetan and i am interested in world politics

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