Enrich Your Life

 Enrich Your Life

The Infinite Power within you can lift you up from the midst of sickness, melancholia, failure, and frustration, and set you on the road to health, happiness, abundance, and security. I have seen miraculous transformations take place in men and women of all walks of life all over the world when they began contacting and releasing this Infinite Power within themselves.

Several months ago I spent two hours in a hospital talking with an alcoholic in the depths of despair. He began to use this Power and, as a result, is now strong, vital, and happy, and is operating a prosperous business. He was changed in the “twinkling of an eye,” and the Infinite Healing Power began to flow through him. His problems melted, peace came into his troubled mind, and he is back again with his wife and children.

This Infinite Power is positively, definitely, and absolutely waiting within you to be released. This Power is able to transform your life so completely, so radically, and so marvelously that after a few short weeks or months, it is possible that your close friends may not recognize you.This Infinite Power was the source of redemption for a convicted criminal who had murdered several people and who is now a God-like man helping others to live life gloriously and peacefully. This man said to me, “A month after I started contacting this Infinite Power which you told me about, I looked at myself in the mirror and suddenly I realized I was not the same man. I can’t repeat any of my former crimes.” Then he added, “I’m beginning to wonder if I could have been that murderer.” This man had discovered the Power within himself, which opens even prison doors, and it liberated him. The Infinite Healing Presence restored his soul. 

This mysterious Infinite Power can produce miracles for you, too. As you peruse this and the following chapters, you will realize that you can direct the flow of this Power so that you can receive new ideas worth a fortune. All that is necessary is to have an open mind and a desire to lead a full, happy, exciting, and abundant life.

Cj blogger

My name is chetan and i am interested in world politics

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